Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Subsistence and Economy

Part 1:
            Even though the earliest hunter-gatherer was on scavenging, not actual hunting, they mainly ate seafood, nuts, and fruit. By them not actually hunting, the seafood nuts, and fruits kept them healthy, and from dying from starvation. When the Paleolithic period came around 80,000 to 70,000 years ago, some hunters began hunting large animals. Other than hunting, another great benefit was the tools that the hunter-gatherers created, such as: fishing nets, hooks, and also bone harpoons. These weapons catch meat portions. Agriculture was a great benefit to all cultures, because this gave them the opportunity to live in one area, but not only that, but to learn hands on labor with building shelter, and also growing their crops. With all the things they are learning, the great part about all of this is the quality of villager’s there population became great. See with a disadvantages for being a hunter-gatherer is that once they started hunting a lot, either animal species would leave or they would go extinct because they hunt so much. Agriculture would have a disadvantage of having to big of a population because at first the villagers are not sure with when should there be enough people because what if they aren’t able to get enough food. Big pray could also have a problem, what if, staying in one area could trigger larger pray toward the people. At first the hunter-gatherer had a healthy diet until they started hunting, and this was actually hunting because they are always on the move, so I would have to say, they wouldn’t have time to grew crops, just hunt meat, and its not always good for you to eat meat. Agriculture would have to be the one with the healthiest diet because these cultures are in one area to grow vegetables, and able to hunt for meat, there diet is more stable. It was about 10,000 years ago, when human stated using agriculture, because life became easier for them, with being able to grow crops, grew there population, this just became better and once one culture did it more started living the Agriculture lifestyle.

Part 2:
              The relationship between them is that surplus and trade are something you need both of them to make each of the country or state happy. To get good surplus is if you are receiving more exports, because if your getting for exports this make good business, but if you are getting more imports business isn’t selling, as good as they wish it would. Trade plays an important roll just as much as surplus, even though trade isn’t always good. Not all trading goes as planed. This is way surplus is the positive part and the trade is the negative part. Two good social benefits are, economic and culture. Well culture is a good one because say for example, the U.S. getting a lot of their products from China, and to some people China is a different culture, so trading has to do with culture. Economic trading is very important in the trading business, because for example: Money, is a number if you are trading every company wants to know where, when, and who there money is going at all times, this trading is a big money business. Negative social benefit, would be if there was no communication only because that’s how people make there trading, imagine if there was no communication, the products that would get messed up by either amounts not enough if the trade went successfully, if this happened you wouldn’t find anything out in time to fix it. Another one would be if technology had a corruption, because knows and these days 90% of people rely on technology and a lot of people not only finalize selling and what not but also communicates through technology, see there is communication again.  Agriculture developed though time but by being in one area slowly other humans starting to do it, so by making that step agriculture developed quick through other cultures. Development of trade a long time ago had to do with people going back and forth, and on written paper.



  1. Your part 2 was interesting a little confusing, but I got the drift of where you were going, so that’s good give me a good thinking. Your part 1 was good too, its very interesting how humans lived in such different ways, or a better way of putting that is human lived in different kinds of lifestyles. Just with the hunter and gatherer there tool I thought way amazing, a bone harpoon, that was the one that caught my eye. Well I hope you enjoyed this blog like I did because this whole assignment was learning all kinds of different things that were amazing.

  2. I really like how you mentioned the tools that were made by the hunter-gatherers. Those tools became a vital part of hunting for their every days lives. Those tools also were passed down from generation to generation and we now even use some of the same similar tools today. People had to find ways to hunt and to catch fish and they even had to find ways to store their food. Those ideas and practices definitely have an impact on how we do things today.

  3. I am not so sure that agriculture has brought so many benefits to our lives. It appeared that the hunter-gatherers had better nutrition, worked shorter hours, had more leisure time, and treated everyone in a equal and fair manner. It seems that since the dawn of agriculture that it has brought many benefits and many problems as well. It maybe just my wish for a simplified life. Thanks for your post it gave a lot to think about

  4. The time we are discussing is around 12,000 years ago. By the time we reach that point in our history, humans were very skilled with hunting, using multiple techniques and having an advanced tool kits. No need to go back earlier in time for this discussion.

    You have a few misconceptions about hunter-gatherers which may be leading you to incorrect conclusions. Hunter gatherer diets were usually mostly plant resources (which they gathered in the wild, they did not grow them) with occasional meat supplied by hunters. Additionally, given low population numbers of humans (which didn't grow significantly until after agriculture), animals wouldn't have been hunted to extinction, though they would have migrated and the human populations would have followed. Evidence also suggests that hunter gatherers had fewer nutritional deficiencies, fewer dental caries and a more varied diet than did agricultural populations, and therefore had a healthier diet overall.

    For section 2, again remember we are talking about 12,000 years ago. There were no large businesses with exports. China and the US didn't exist. Money didn't exist. We are talking about how and why trade developed, not about how it behaves in modern times. While I agree with you on the relationship between trade and surplus, your costs and benefits don't help us understand why trade developed in the first place. Can you put yourself into our history 12,000 years ago and use what we know about our ancestors to consider the costs and benefits of early trade?
