Sunday, July 22, 2012

Art (week 7)

1. This was about there life, but told through pictures, by painting on the walls, and by them doing so this was told through for many year all the way to us. These were about their culture, their activities, and also the stories for their future family, which is now all of us. A lot had to do with the animal, I know that there was people who worshiped animal, hunted animal, and also sacrificed animal, and to them thins was a good reason, this was life and survival for there family. They lived and told there stories in caves, but the main reason was to tell us they were great hunters, and very active in many was, running, the strength for survival. I am sure it was hard to find some of these things, but not only that imagine we buy our stuff, they had to find and make there items, so there work was much harder. Some of the things they had to use for all of these to function, a bulls horn, which would be hard to get, or if they found a dead bull, another would be the pigment, not an easy thing to fin, but making the brush which is the last thing, trying to get the equipment to create which a device, in that time period.

2. Now we have created 3D drawing which, back then was stick figured, or basic one line drawing. There utensils are hard to get then us, we by them, they have to build them. The paint was pigment with them, for us we had paint and there was different kinds of paint, also pens, pencil, and my personal favorite pastels. We just had a more of a verity then they did, which make each time periods drawing different in many different ways. We all had patient, which is the number one thing to have when you are going you draw. We also both make outlines, or sketch, before we get into details.

3. Ceramic is more of a 3D art, this can be told by where are hands take us. The first thing I think of is what I create, and well I guess I do a good job since I still have everything I made in high school. Even though ceramic isn’t on paper, you can tell a story, or what happened that day, and how you are feeling. They want you to see what is on their mind, or what they are proud of. With silence it tell you look the face is smiling at you, don’t be sad, be happy, and joyful. There was a piece that I did and I felt like a different language that no one I knew would figure it out, and it was like playing the guessing game. The ceramic has helped through many year, and ceramic isn’t just for use, but to use like vases, pot plates spoon, so many thing benefit from the art of ceramic. These can brake and if it meant something special, it can break your heart, you could use these to hurt someone with, but I haven’t heard if that lately. This is a very peaceful, go with the flow art.

                   This picture is from the internet of patients you need to have to do ceramics
                                           This is actually what I have done in high school

1 comment:

  1. You explain why animals are there but not why you don't see images of people. Otherwise, good first initial section.

    Missing the three functions of this type of expression to those who practiced it. Part two was meant to be a comparison of these functions with the functions of modern art, not a discussion on how the images were produced.

    I appreciate your presentation of your form of art. Does this art form have any aspects of having it's own culture, such as it's own language or even typical behaviors or dress?
