Sunday, July 15, 2012

Politics & Violence

1. In the Yanomamo culture, if you killed someone, would get the death sense, but if it was just a little crime, then the punishment would be much smaller, say if you stole they would, cut your hand off, why still if you have no hands. Then when you kill someone from the western culture, usually when you kill someone, you would be hung. If you just commit a crime, you would be held in jail.

2. There are two most important reasons why people for revenge.  One the most important is that if someone kills a family member, more like, mother, father, sister, brother, and/or a child, then the revenge ranks go up high. If you think about it, you kill someone and they want revenge and then you kill them as in revenge, but now there family is up set, and then they turn right back around and do it again, its like a train reaction. The Second one is when it comes to their wife’s or any women in there kin. If there was a women raped in the Yanomamo culture, there will be revenge set out, because they are protected over there women. Now just think for a second, if someone in that culture rapes a women, then you go kill that person, then someone want to kill you in revenge, it’s a chain reaction.

3.  The unokais is a very unique, these men that do have to kill, and when you do it there is a ceremony to were the spirits of the person you killed wont come after you. If you became a unokais, then you are not considered a murder, you are actually considered a warrior hero. Well if you are a non-unokais, then either you have never killed, or you don’t want to, because if you want to be a unokais, than the have to kill. If a man wants to be a unokais he can kill and not get punished, because he is consider a warrior hero, but if you are a non-unokais, then you will be punished for murder.

4.  A) By having a leader they are suppose to keep the culture in line, but I guess that the leader is not catch everything that is going on, this can cause a lot of problems. People will get away with the revenge, or killing that they do. This doesn’t help the safety of the people.
     B) It is also good to have the social with the people around the whole culture, because by that all the conflict, and wanting revenge for what the problem might be. There is always going to be anger and hating if not just one-person stops, and this just have to be one, it will be to be as a community.
      C) Kinship is important, because family is like having a bond. You mess you one of them you mess you all of them and that’s why there is so much revenge her, and killing there.
      D) They can have multiple wives if they wish too, and having reproduction is with every wife and having multiple children, to carry on your jeans and making a bigger family.

5. Even there are people who don’t want anyone to be killed, no matter what there will be people who will, do it, even if they say they wont. People don’t know what they are capable of, until they are pushed to that extent. The behaviors vary oh the emotion that they are in. This could be anger, sad, confused, stressed, its crazy how people take their emotion the wrong way.


  1. I like how you pointed out that we are capable of things we are not even aware of it untill we are pushed to exten. I agree we are capable of doing or hurting other if we are pushed to the limit that we can not take it anymore. In question 4 A, the leadder is supposed to take care of everything and that is why he has people under him to keep things in control and let him know what is going on. And his job is to organize things out. Not leave everyone to kill each other because he is not capable of controlling things out. In my opinion him not controlling things out is the reason there are more crimes. Everyone think its easy to do it and they do not get punished for it. Then why not do it.

  2. Your post was very interesting. The killing are really out of control, just imagine what would happen here in the U.S was like that, just killing after killing. It seems like this culture is not tied down with any rules, and if so, not as much as they need. I know how it is to be very protective over my family, nut if someone would kill one of them, I could never bring up the courage to kill someone in revenge, just have hate, every time I see them. Your post was good.

  3. I liked your description of the two primary reasons why revenge killings happens, especially how you relate them back to our own cultural system of punishment.

    Actually, non-unokais can take part in revenge killings, but then they have to go through the ceremony for full unokais status. Likewise, being a unokais doesn't mean you can kill anyone you want to, just that you've taken part in the revenge killing process. But what might be the advantage of being a non-unokais? Why would men choose this option?

    Regarding revenge killings and political and social impacts: Picture what the Yanomamo culture would be like without this system. Knowing that there are acceptable retaliations for killings actually act to deter some killings that might happen. Villages that have powerful unokais are less likely to be attacked to begin with. So, no, it is not safe, but the system does have a positive impact.

    In your final section, you talk about killing as if it is pathological. But are their logical biological/social reasons to kill someone? Think about the reasons why unokais kill (protection, resources, mates) and then compare them to the reasons our culture kills. Are the reasons really all that different?
