Sunday, July 22, 2012

Art (week 7)

1. This was about there life, but told through pictures, by painting on the walls, and by them doing so this was told through for many year all the way to us. These were about their culture, their activities, and also the stories for their future family, which is now all of us. A lot had to do with the animal, I know that there was people who worshiped animal, hunted animal, and also sacrificed animal, and to them thins was a good reason, this was life and survival for there family. They lived and told there stories in caves, but the main reason was to tell us they were great hunters, and very active in many was, running, the strength for survival. I am sure it was hard to find some of these things, but not only that imagine we buy our stuff, they had to find and make there items, so there work was much harder. Some of the things they had to use for all of these to function, a bulls horn, which would be hard to get, or if they found a dead bull, another would be the pigment, not an easy thing to fin, but making the brush which is the last thing, trying to get the equipment to create which a device, in that time period.

2. Now we have created 3D drawing which, back then was stick figured, or basic one line drawing. There utensils are hard to get then us, we by them, they have to build them. The paint was pigment with them, for us we had paint and there was different kinds of paint, also pens, pencil, and my personal favorite pastels. We just had a more of a verity then they did, which make each time periods drawing different in many different ways. We all had patient, which is the number one thing to have when you are going you draw. We also both make outlines, or sketch, before we get into details.

3. Ceramic is more of a 3D art, this can be told by where are hands take us. The first thing I think of is what I create, and well I guess I do a good job since I still have everything I made in high school. Even though ceramic isn’t on paper, you can tell a story, or what happened that day, and how you are feeling. They want you to see what is on their mind, or what they are proud of. With silence it tell you look the face is smiling at you, don’t be sad, be happy, and joyful. There was a piece that I did and I felt like a different language that no one I knew would figure it out, and it was like playing the guessing game. The ceramic has helped through many year, and ceramic isn’t just for use, but to use like vases, pot plates spoon, so many thing benefit from the art of ceramic. These can brake and if it meant something special, it can break your heart, you could use these to hurt someone with, but I haven’t heard if that lately. This is a very peaceful, go with the flow art.

                   This picture is from the internet of patients you need to have to do ceramics
                                           This is actually what I have done in high school

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Politics & Violence

1. In the Yanomamo culture, if you killed someone, would get the death sense, but if it was just a little crime, then the punishment would be much smaller, say if you stole they would, cut your hand off, why still if you have no hands. Then when you kill someone from the western culture, usually when you kill someone, you would be hung. If you just commit a crime, you would be held in jail.

2. There are two most important reasons why people for revenge.  One the most important is that if someone kills a family member, more like, mother, father, sister, brother, and/or a child, then the revenge ranks go up high. If you think about it, you kill someone and they want revenge and then you kill them as in revenge, but now there family is up set, and then they turn right back around and do it again, its like a train reaction. The Second one is when it comes to their wife’s or any women in there kin. If there was a women raped in the Yanomamo culture, there will be revenge set out, because they are protected over there women. Now just think for a second, if someone in that culture rapes a women, then you go kill that person, then someone want to kill you in revenge, it’s a chain reaction.

3.  The unokais is a very unique, these men that do have to kill, and when you do it there is a ceremony to were the spirits of the person you killed wont come after you. If you became a unokais, then you are not considered a murder, you are actually considered a warrior hero. Well if you are a non-unokais, then either you have never killed, or you don’t want to, because if you want to be a unokais, than the have to kill. If a man wants to be a unokais he can kill and not get punished, because he is consider a warrior hero, but if you are a non-unokais, then you will be punished for murder.

4.  A) By having a leader they are suppose to keep the culture in line, but I guess that the leader is not catch everything that is going on, this can cause a lot of problems. People will get away with the revenge, or killing that they do. This doesn’t help the safety of the people.
     B) It is also good to have the social with the people around the whole culture, because by that all the conflict, and wanting revenge for what the problem might be. There is always going to be anger and hating if not just one-person stops, and this just have to be one, it will be to be as a community.
      C) Kinship is important, because family is like having a bond. You mess you one of them you mess you all of them and that’s why there is so much revenge her, and killing there.
      D) They can have multiple wives if they wish too, and having reproduction is with every wife and having multiple children, to carry on your jeans and making a bigger family.

5. Even there are people who don’t want anyone to be killed, no matter what there will be people who will, do it, even if they say they wont. People don’t know what they are capable of, until they are pushed to that extent. The behaviors vary oh the emotion that they are in. This could be anger, sad, confused, stressed, its crazy how people take their emotion the wrong way.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


My interviewee is in fact my grandmother (Jackie Pointer), who was born and raised in New York City in 1950. Since my grandmothers’ mother was from Polish, she lived a Polish life, for example: she was lived a not so wealthy life. With My great grandmother working all the way still she was 71 years old, and helping family in Poland, because polish people back than were considered poor. My grandmother lived a struggling life with her mother (Anna Miranda), father (Salvatore Miranda), brothers (Ronald Miranda, and Jerald Miranda) and sister (Bernier Byrd}. There were things from Poland that my great grandmother had brought; one item was called a “feather thick,” which to us we call a “comforter.” My grandmother had lived with speaking Polish, but not only that she also learned as a child that some of her family was in the Holocaust. When the Holocaust was over my great grandmother didn’t want to take any of the kids, but she went to see the concentration camps and got to walk through it and also got to walk through it. Till this day I will always remember what my great grandma said, “ It was horrible there were bones, and teeth, it was just horrible Danielle.” All the things my grandmother has done, how she was raised I can say what an amazing family I have.

            Thoughts always had ran through my head, from what this family had to go through to make a living, and supporting not only that but supporting family in another country. This made me feel sad, but excited that, the fact was they came out strong, in the end.  Yes, and the reason why I didn’t feel so comfortable was because its family, nothing seemed awkward to me, if I wasn’t family it might have seemed awkward and interesting. Nope, I didn’t get affected anything because if anything I got more into it, because of the Holocaust, and how my dads side lives in Germany. I’m half German and half Polish, or half mean and half innocent (HA HA HA)! I probably would feel uncomfortable, and a little awkward, if they got deep in personal stuff, but I’m sure it would be interesting like my family. 

            Well one thing I can say is my family is like a group, and the reason I say that is cause one group will talk and hate the other group, and so on. It’s not the greatest feeling but the group I’m in loves me and it includes my parents. Some of my family is close and some are not, and if you’re not close then you don’t socialize, and if you don’t socialize, than you don’t know if you have anything in common. The most I can go back is my mother’s side of the family, so it would be emphasis on maternal lines. The younger doesn’t get freedom like the older, but they younger its attention more than the older, so we are pretty much treated equally. The older can treat the younger mean, like being rude or picking on them, I see that a lot, but the parents run to the younger ones first. I know that one side of me is German and one is Polish, but they really don’t ever talk, but when my mom use to she hated my real dad and it was not a pretty conversation, so they never talk, so there are never problems.

            On my mothers side I know them way more then my fathers said. I just know my father, his mother, and my half little sister, that’s all. On my mother I know great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, my parents, of course my sister and brother. I always call people from my mother’s side of the family all the time because I care, and I love them, and I want to see how they are. My Father nothing at all I cant remember the last time I talk to any of them, which is fine with me, they are a mean part of my family. My grandparents would be the most, not only do they come to us to help, but a lot of us go to them. They have been through a lot in life and I know my parent has hit rock bottom and came to the top, and they make me feel better like for me when I am stressed out. Yes and No, my parents love my brothers wife, but hate my sisters and I hate my brothers wife and like my sisters. I honestly feel it’s how that person make that first impression on you, we just don’t judge right away we at least give a chance. No, never we love everyone equally; NEVER had my family or I gave a different attitude toward family of different gender. Well I know we are a fighter and we never give up no matter what the situation is, and I look at what everyone in my family has done and use it in my life. For example, if I am poor I will not give up and work harder to better my family. Most of all that my past family went through in the Holocaust was crazy and I wish I could talk to them, and hear their side of their story.

This is my great great grandparents from my grandpa side

This is my Grandma (Jackie) and my grandpa (Gerald)

This is my great grandma Anna Miranda in 1928 she was 7 years old at her Holy Communion, this is Jackie's Mother.

This is my great great grandparent Eva on her wedding day she was 14 years old, and her husband Henery he was 27 years old. This is Anna Miranda's parents.

This is Henery's parents my great great great grandparents, I could get there names :( but Henery was born in 1894, they were born in the 1800's.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Subsistence and Economy

Part 1:
            Even though the earliest hunter-gatherer was on scavenging, not actual hunting, they mainly ate seafood, nuts, and fruit. By them not actually hunting, the seafood nuts, and fruits kept them healthy, and from dying from starvation. When the Paleolithic period came around 80,000 to 70,000 years ago, some hunters began hunting large animals. Other than hunting, another great benefit was the tools that the hunter-gatherers created, such as: fishing nets, hooks, and also bone harpoons. These weapons catch meat portions. Agriculture was a great benefit to all cultures, because this gave them the opportunity to live in one area, but not only that, but to learn hands on labor with building shelter, and also growing their crops. With all the things they are learning, the great part about all of this is the quality of villager’s there population became great. See with a disadvantages for being a hunter-gatherer is that once they started hunting a lot, either animal species would leave or they would go extinct because they hunt so much. Agriculture would have a disadvantage of having to big of a population because at first the villagers are not sure with when should there be enough people because what if they aren’t able to get enough food. Big pray could also have a problem, what if, staying in one area could trigger larger pray toward the people. At first the hunter-gatherer had a healthy diet until they started hunting, and this was actually hunting because they are always on the move, so I would have to say, they wouldn’t have time to grew crops, just hunt meat, and its not always good for you to eat meat. Agriculture would have to be the one with the healthiest diet because these cultures are in one area to grow vegetables, and able to hunt for meat, there diet is more stable. It was about 10,000 years ago, when human stated using agriculture, because life became easier for them, with being able to grow crops, grew there population, this just became better and once one culture did it more started living the Agriculture lifestyle.

Part 2:
              The relationship between them is that surplus and trade are something you need both of them to make each of the country or state happy. To get good surplus is if you are receiving more exports, because if your getting for exports this make good business, but if you are getting more imports business isn’t selling, as good as they wish it would. Trade plays an important roll just as much as surplus, even though trade isn’t always good. Not all trading goes as planed. This is way surplus is the positive part and the trade is the negative part. Two good social benefits are, economic and culture. Well culture is a good one because say for example, the U.S. getting a lot of their products from China, and to some people China is a different culture, so trading has to do with culture. Economic trading is very important in the trading business, because for example: Money, is a number if you are trading every company wants to know where, when, and who there money is going at all times, this trading is a big money business. Negative social benefit, would be if there was no communication only because that’s how people make there trading, imagine if there was no communication, the products that would get messed up by either amounts not enough if the trade went successfully, if this happened you wouldn’t find anything out in time to fix it. Another one would be if technology had a corruption, because knows and these days 90% of people rely on technology and a lot of people not only finalize selling and what not but also communicates through technology, see there is communication again.  Agriculture developed though time but by being in one area slowly other humans starting to do it, so by making that step agriculture developed quick through other cultures. Development of trade a long time ago had to do with people going back and forth, and on written paper.
