Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Two Different Tribes

The Andean Indian tribe, lived in Central America in dense forest, but in some areas there are dramatic climate change for example: it could be really hot in some a low part on the forest and up more on the mountain part has heavily rain falls. They are positive and negative to both, but those are basically the weather for the mountains, for the whole year, unless the tribe is really high in the mountains, there could be some snow.
The Zulu tribe had multiple places they lived at. One, in which is the most that the Zulu tribes would be at likely, is the western way. In a desert in the middle of nowhere, this area would be really hot. And the clothes they wear could really wear them down, with all the heat, or even cause heat strokes; this issue could cause an effect in their way of life. The winters would be more wind and just a little rain, probably not enough rain. This could also take affect them growing the crops.

The Andean Indian tribe, had to keep there crops going, and some crops had to be grown in different areas, which did make thing more difficult, but the tribe knew there was no choice. If they didn’t do this no crops would grow, and that would leave a result in starvation. Something that they did use was a, “slash and burn.” By wind using and doing what they did kept their tribe going.
The Zulu tribes weather would be a big environment stress. The weather is a big part in everything, like the crops, and the villager’s health. So the Zulu tribes that live the western way, in the desert, where the heat is beating bad, and the winters can get more windy tan rainy, and this can result in crops dying. The heat could also kill the villagers or injure them. I am pretty sure they live by water, which does help. A great physical adaption to help to situation would be building there houses for shade and also building something to help there crops, don’t forget shelter for the animals that they have to raise so they have meat.

The Andean Indian had economic activities for the people, these had to do with fishing and gathering, also building shelter, If they didn’t have these activities, the tribe would most likely not survive, because of illness or starvation. The one with the most food, they were shown as the one person the villagers looked but to. The one hunter with the most shared with there people. “They are hunters, they are a team tribe.”
The Zulu tribe, had a holiday tradition every year, it was, “ Shaka’s Day.” This was an important day for the Zulu tribes because; Shaka was the one who made the Zulu tribes a big and beautiful kingdom, which everyone enjoyed, before sadly, his own brothers assassinated him. This cultural adaption was indeed a non-stressful environment. When Shaka died, things did get more stress environment for the Zulu tribe, because a lot of the villagers left to go somewhere else, a better kingdom. Some people became poor, and away from families. So, now not to make thing so stressful, and give a great memory of Shaka, they do Shaka Day once a year, just showing what a great king he was.

The Andean Indians, I would refer them as Latin Americans, because they are in between South America and Guatemala. When I say, “Latin American,” I think hardworking, hunters, teamwork, and to be honest the forest. After reading about them, they but an imagine of a lot of qualities.
The Zulu tribes are Africans, and the reason for this would be because it explains a lot to me. Some in which would be where they live, there religion and holidays, the hard working people to grow crops and taking care of there animal well so they have good food, and how there housing are, and most of all what they have to do to survive on a daily basis.

The Zulu tribe building skills, and that they celebrate every year, “Shaka Day,” for the king that made the great kingdom, shows how well the Africans are toward their people. When we say Africans just think how great of a tribe they are, the people they look up to, and still keep them remembered.
The Andean Indians how hardworking, and that they will find any method to keep surviving. Even the one who is the strongest in the tribe still helps his people, even the weak; this is why they are a team. When I say, “Latin Americans,” a strong tribe that works together even if they have to go a distance, to grow there crops.
When it comes to the Andean Indians would have more power when it came to hunting, because the Zulu tribe raises their animals (food). Other than that Zulu would be the one for anthropologists, because they have more and interesting things to discover and learn about, but both are really good tribes.

The Andean Tribe crops

The Andean Indian hunters

The Zulu in the dessert carrying water


  1. Burnam, I loved your information about "Shaka's Day", I never learned about that while researching my own info for the homework. I wish you would have provided more information about what they do on that day, because it seems really interesting.

  2. Good initial discussion on the environments of both populations.

    Adaptations were a bit of a problem. Keep in mind that this post was to address how these populations adapted to their specific environments, so the adaptations should have somehow solved the environmental problems you listed in the first section.

    The physical adaptations you list are actually cultural adaptations. Physical would encompass actual anatomical/biological adjustments to the environment, like skin color, lung capacity, body shape, metabolism, sweating pattern, etc. Your cultural adaptations are accurate for the cultures but they are not adaptations to the actual environmental stresses. This made it difficult for you to complete the final summary as well.

    Make sure you understand the difference between a physical and cultural adaptation. Email me if you have questions.
