Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ethnography Project

Environment and Human Adaption

Since the Abelam live in the foothills to the north in the east Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea, they in a an are of landforms, altitudes, also annual rainfalls, and also live where there soil is thick secondary vegetation. Since the rainfall is an annual thing I don’t think that culture has any problems with it. They live in a more green area where it is easy for there crops to grow. The Abelam culture has adapted to the weather changes, which they the same weather changes as we do Fall, Spring, summer, and winter and they have survived this far.

They live in a rural area, land where they have a lot of room to farm; they picked a perfect part of the soil because of the crops. Abelam culture, in subgroups, I believe that they are near each other, but they have there distances, and room to have homes built, and a good area of room to grow crops. No, other cultures other than the Abelam are at quite some distance. That is a good thing because there won’t be any fight or issues that may happen. The Abelam are well known for their yams, that they grow, so we know that the Abelam are big farming culture. They are also good at hunting. So by them growing there own crops and hunting for there meats, this is a healthy culture. Some crops they do grow are of course the giant yams, taro, bananas, and also sweet potatoes. For the meat section there is: chickens, pigs, which are raised, and they also hunted smaller edible things such as: marsupials and cassowaries.

One would be if they got a lot of rain, by this happening, there could be sickness, the crops drowning, not being able to hunt much because of the animal not out as much. Not only the crop drowning if it rained so hard, but replanting could be at some trouble. If their animal are not kept with some shelter that could cause the animals to get sick, and there is a possibility they could die. Working outside would be a hard task if it were pouring rain none stop. Environmental stress could be an cause some trouble things, like there live stock, could die out, there hunting will be less, there crops will be no good. Sickness, and even death would be some of them also. After being in this climate for so long that they have adapted to make sure thing didn’t get worse. Houses and make warm clothes, make shelter so the animal, and crops. These are all thing I believe have adapted in there culture as the years went by.

Two physical adaptations that the Abelam had, and took care of was there, one dark skin, there dark skin was such help because, they produce more melanin, then a lighter person, and that actually helps from the sunrays. Another one would be there thick hair, there hair is so thick believe it or not but it actually keeps their scalp collier. This also helps with not burning the scalp. Three cultural adaptations that the Abelam has is, the yams, the biggest thing that the Abelam, looks forward doing every day, as a matter of fact they would spend most of their day working on there yams. The bigger the yams the more powerful and spiritual it is. Second would have to be the thing they do in just on day, you would think of gathering food hunting nope, they actually only hunt of two hours out of the whole day. Not only that but they sleep for ten hours, now that’s a tribe I would like because I am lucky if I fours hours a day. The third would be gardening, because if most of there time is those giant yams than a lot of that time is working and making sure that the garden is growing well.

Language and Gender Role
The Abelam language is ran from the Ndu Language, which is the top of all twelve languages. The Ndu is another meaning for, “man.” The family that started the language from the beginning is the Kirschbaum, which was in the 1922. Some of the other languages are Nagaia, Latmul, Abelam, and also Manambu, and there are many more. There are 45,000 Abelam tribes that speck these languages, well depending on what tribe you are at or if it was a different tribe, the language could be one of the twelve.

There are only two specific genders when it comes to this tribe, and that is, a man and women, sorry but there are no aliens. Well in every culture there are important roles that very gender plays, the women have every duties that every culture has, laundry, cooking, kids, making sure there husbands are happy pretty much. The men had the hard labor like, building, hunting, teaching the kids when the get old but just the boy kids. As a tribe they all work on the garden together, because of the yams. I am sure that if you do something as a gender role that wasn’t normal, you may have problems with some of the tribe members. If something isn’t done right for example if a man messes up a trap, this can cause some serious issues. It is always the mans job to teach the young boy, what is duties will be, that way he knows them and how to do them when they get older. The same goes for the female there gender role is, cooking, cleaning taking care of the man of the family, and etc. She most likely wont because she is more interested in the Native Americans, not the Abelam or even a tribe like the Abelam.

Subsistence and Economy
The Abelam has art, and there painting is seen to be magical that gives life a piece of there activities on a daily basics. These painting are never life giving but life taking all throughout these tribes the painting from these tribes are all around the world. Their crops have to be the number one for there diet because they grow good bananas, yams, and also swat potatoes, etc. These crops are mostly seasonal but they do have some that are yearly. The men and women have separate labor, which I explained early, and the garden is a culture effort, where they all work together on that, to keep the crops healthy. They maintain their meat, and have a lot of crops; I think there diet is very well controlled. I think it would be sometime difficult to maintain the seasonal crops.

This tribe has no surplus coming to them, and they don’t get any. They have just the food they hunt or crop; it’s an all-natural thing. Only the yams would be a specialization, because they are super taken care of. Once again about the yams the bigger the yam, the wealthier you are, if you have a same no good one, then you will be looked down upon. When you give a yam to your enemy, and that shows you are the man, and if your enemy grows a bigger one then that then that shows you aren’t the man, unless he has a small one or you out beat his big one.

Marriage and Kinship
This culture is the polygynous, this is where the men have many women, and the women cannot have many men, it’s just the way the culture is. There is no cross cousin, or parallel cousins. The women find the man, but it’s the man who says yay or nay. Oh yes they practice exchange and that is with the father’s sister and the brother in law’s sister exchange to see if they like a new wife. Those men have more of a right then women when it comes to marriage. It had endogamy, which marriage stays within that group, there 70,000 people in just one village. The only one would be the exchange, with the father’s sister and the brother in law’s sister. That is not expected in this culture, you will be pretty much disqualified from the group.

The practice is having multiple wives, and how the wife’s have to obey the husband with every request. The women with never have multiple husbands, but if the relationship doesn’t work the wife has to go back home to the kin family. They don’t ignore that situation, but they don’t really keep they in the family. The father and the husband, if you are with your parents, your father is the one, but if you are married your husband is the number one.  There is no problem with there inheritances, this culture keeps that organized. This was going to be mother father, brother, sisters, children, but not so much of the aunts and uncles, because I didn’t read anything about a part in the family, probably because they have there own.

Social and Political Organization
My culture is a general egalitarian, where everyone in the tribe is treated equally, the power is in a equal way, and even some different people in the culture has a chance to that the power. Every single person in the tribe is equal, like every female has the same duties, and all the men have the same duties, and also the children have to learn at the same age, and are all treated equally, and I believe that’s way they get along so well. This is one reason why they have such little problems there are no favoritism, so no one should have a problem, and if they did, they should be punishment.

There is a chief of any tribe, but like individual power is all in the yams, and how large and healthy they are. If the yam is the largest out of everyone’s yams, than you have the power, but you give your large yam to your enemy, to see if he can grow a large one, to see if you with hold the power next time. This all depends on who grow the better yam, which is the one who holds the power for the next season. The chief is the one with the laws, which he is the one who holds that power in his hands. This all depends on what you did in order to get punishment; I believe that each crime is linked to a different punishment.

Being a thief that no culture likes, and that is a result of cutting of your thief hand, to teach you a lesson, I am sure they wont kill you for something like that. If you had got into a fight with another person, for whatever the case maybe, if you strike at him and cause death know the chef has to make that big point in life, ether banish you, or have you executed. These punishments are debated whether or not it was for the negative or the positive, that is something of there own tribe’s decision. So every punishment is linked to something different and the one who carries that law has to decide what to do to that person, for whatever he had done.

Belief Systems and The Arts
They are not so much religious with, a certain god, but they are very spiritual with the Ngwallndu spirits. No this is one of there own spiritual culture has, there than that other culture have there own religious god or spirits. They are very monotheistic, where they are the only one that believes in their spirits, the Ngwallndu spirits that mostly come for an after life. They founded the Ndu family about 1,000 years ago, which is when they started the Ndu language, and started the Ndu spiritual rituals. The important ritual is the after life, because when the Ngwallndu come they take you to there heaven, but the body need to remain in the Korambo, which is the ceremonial house, and this has to go on for a day and night for the ritual to happen. This is very thing to them, the function with this, if they didn’t have this what or who would they look up to. They wouldn’t be afraid of death because of the Ngwallndu spirits, but if they didn’t have them then what would they think when death came along.

Abelam had a great painting technique. They would paint and this meant so much to them that they felt it was magical, powerful, and soon would become active. Even though these paintings were just a metaphor, to them it was very real. There music was very soothing, to the people and calm, they used a flue and wind noises, nothing bumping and jumping around, and my culture is very peaceful and calm. There religious arts was when they had there ceremonies at the korambo, and this was more like there circle of life, such as a girl becoming a women, and when death is sent to heaven. There weren’t much performances nothing big just the rituals.

Culture Change
The Western culture is one that has be somewhat affected, because of the more modern cultures, but also they were trying to bring the Abelam traditions to a stop, and bring their own traditions in. By this happening the bad impact would be, because that they are so use to what they have their rituals, and tratitions in., so by changing what they know would become a problem. The great Impact would be that, some people are trying to still believe in everything they have learned and looked up too.

The Abelam culture would get the influence of losing their identity, if any other culture would come invading, or being different out looks. With the Western culture, they would come in and change things, because they know they can, and believe it or not they will. Even though that the Western Culture will come and bring new things, the Abelam will not stop using there culture doings.

The Abelam is very small and isn’t to big with the modern culture, I mean well there is a small variety of information on them. With the food, rituals, and traditions, in time sooner or later they will become market economy.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Art (week 7)

1. This was about there life, but told through pictures, by painting on the walls, and by them doing so this was told through for many year all the way to us. These were about their culture, their activities, and also the stories for their future family, which is now all of us. A lot had to do with the animal, I know that there was people who worshiped animal, hunted animal, and also sacrificed animal, and to them thins was a good reason, this was life and survival for there family. They lived and told there stories in caves, but the main reason was to tell us they were great hunters, and very active in many was, running, the strength for survival. I am sure it was hard to find some of these things, but not only that imagine we buy our stuff, they had to find and make there items, so there work was much harder. Some of the things they had to use for all of these to function, a bulls horn, which would be hard to get, or if they found a dead bull, another would be the pigment, not an easy thing to fin, but making the brush which is the last thing, trying to get the equipment to create which a device, in that time period.

2. Now we have created 3D drawing which, back then was stick figured, or basic one line drawing. There utensils are hard to get then us, we by them, they have to build them. The paint was pigment with them, for us we had paint and there was different kinds of paint, also pens, pencil, and my personal favorite pastels. We just had a more of a verity then they did, which make each time periods drawing different in many different ways. We all had patient, which is the number one thing to have when you are going you draw. We also both make outlines, or sketch, before we get into details.

3. Ceramic is more of a 3D art, this can be told by where are hands take us. The first thing I think of is what I create, and well I guess I do a good job since I still have everything I made in high school. Even though ceramic isn’t on paper, you can tell a story, or what happened that day, and how you are feeling. They want you to see what is on their mind, or what they are proud of. With silence it tell you look the face is smiling at you, don’t be sad, be happy, and joyful. There was a piece that I did and I felt like a different language that no one I knew would figure it out, and it was like playing the guessing game. The ceramic has helped through many year, and ceramic isn’t just for use, but to use like vases, pot plates spoon, so many thing benefit from the art of ceramic. These can brake and if it meant something special, it can break your heart, you could use these to hurt someone with, but I haven’t heard if that lately. This is a very peaceful, go with the flow art.

                   This picture is from the internet of patients you need to have to do ceramics
                                           This is actually what I have done in high school

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Politics & Violence

1. In the Yanomamo culture, if you killed someone, would get the death sense, but if it was just a little crime, then the punishment would be much smaller, say if you stole they would, cut your hand off, why still if you have no hands. Then when you kill someone from the western culture, usually when you kill someone, you would be hung. If you just commit a crime, you would be held in jail.

2. There are two most important reasons why people for revenge.  One the most important is that if someone kills a family member, more like, mother, father, sister, brother, and/or a child, then the revenge ranks go up high. If you think about it, you kill someone and they want revenge and then you kill them as in revenge, but now there family is up set, and then they turn right back around and do it again, its like a train reaction. The Second one is when it comes to their wife’s or any women in there kin. If there was a women raped in the Yanomamo culture, there will be revenge set out, because they are protected over there women. Now just think for a second, if someone in that culture rapes a women, then you go kill that person, then someone want to kill you in revenge, it’s a chain reaction.

3.  The unokais is a very unique, these men that do have to kill, and when you do it there is a ceremony to were the spirits of the person you killed wont come after you. If you became a unokais, then you are not considered a murder, you are actually considered a warrior hero. Well if you are a non-unokais, then either you have never killed, or you don’t want to, because if you want to be a unokais, than the have to kill. If a man wants to be a unokais he can kill and not get punished, because he is consider a warrior hero, but if you are a non-unokais, then you will be punished for murder.

4.  A) By having a leader they are suppose to keep the culture in line, but I guess that the leader is not catch everything that is going on, this can cause a lot of problems. People will get away with the revenge, or killing that they do. This doesn’t help the safety of the people.
     B) It is also good to have the social with the people around the whole culture, because by that all the conflict, and wanting revenge for what the problem might be. There is always going to be anger and hating if not just one-person stops, and this just have to be one, it will be to be as a community.
      C) Kinship is important, because family is like having a bond. You mess you one of them you mess you all of them and that’s why there is so much revenge her, and killing there.
      D) They can have multiple wives if they wish too, and having reproduction is with every wife and having multiple children, to carry on your jeans and making a bigger family.

5. Even there are people who don’t want anyone to be killed, no matter what there will be people who will, do it, even if they say they wont. People don’t know what they are capable of, until they are pushed to that extent. The behaviors vary oh the emotion that they are in. This could be anger, sad, confused, stressed, its crazy how people take their emotion the wrong way.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


My interviewee is in fact my grandmother (Jackie Pointer), who was born and raised in New York City in 1950. Since my grandmothers’ mother was from Polish, she lived a Polish life, for example: she was lived a not so wealthy life. With My great grandmother working all the way still she was 71 years old, and helping family in Poland, because polish people back than were considered poor. My grandmother lived a struggling life with her mother (Anna Miranda), father (Salvatore Miranda), brothers (Ronald Miranda, and Jerald Miranda) and sister (Bernier Byrd}. There were things from Poland that my great grandmother had brought; one item was called a “feather thick,” which to us we call a “comforter.” My grandmother had lived with speaking Polish, but not only that she also learned as a child that some of her family was in the Holocaust. When the Holocaust was over my great grandmother didn’t want to take any of the kids, but she went to see the concentration camps and got to walk through it and also got to walk through it. Till this day I will always remember what my great grandma said, “ It was horrible there were bones, and teeth, it was just horrible Danielle.” All the things my grandmother has done, how she was raised I can say what an amazing family I have.

            Thoughts always had ran through my head, from what this family had to go through to make a living, and supporting not only that but supporting family in another country. This made me feel sad, but excited that, the fact was they came out strong, in the end.  Yes, and the reason why I didn’t feel so comfortable was because its family, nothing seemed awkward to me, if I wasn’t family it might have seemed awkward and interesting. Nope, I didn’t get affected anything because if anything I got more into it, because of the Holocaust, and how my dads side lives in Germany. I’m half German and half Polish, or half mean and half innocent (HA HA HA)! I probably would feel uncomfortable, and a little awkward, if they got deep in personal stuff, but I’m sure it would be interesting like my family. 

            Well one thing I can say is my family is like a group, and the reason I say that is cause one group will talk and hate the other group, and so on. It’s not the greatest feeling but the group I’m in loves me and it includes my parents. Some of my family is close and some are not, and if you’re not close then you don’t socialize, and if you don’t socialize, than you don’t know if you have anything in common. The most I can go back is my mother’s side of the family, so it would be emphasis on maternal lines. The younger doesn’t get freedom like the older, but they younger its attention more than the older, so we are pretty much treated equally. The older can treat the younger mean, like being rude or picking on them, I see that a lot, but the parents run to the younger ones first. I know that one side of me is German and one is Polish, but they really don’t ever talk, but when my mom use to she hated my real dad and it was not a pretty conversation, so they never talk, so there are never problems.

            On my mothers side I know them way more then my fathers said. I just know my father, his mother, and my half little sister, that’s all. On my mother I know great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, my parents, of course my sister and brother. I always call people from my mother’s side of the family all the time because I care, and I love them, and I want to see how they are. My Father nothing at all I cant remember the last time I talk to any of them, which is fine with me, they are a mean part of my family. My grandparents would be the most, not only do they come to us to help, but a lot of us go to them. They have been through a lot in life and I know my parent has hit rock bottom and came to the top, and they make me feel better like for me when I am stressed out. Yes and No, my parents love my brothers wife, but hate my sisters and I hate my brothers wife and like my sisters. I honestly feel it’s how that person make that first impression on you, we just don’t judge right away we at least give a chance. No, never we love everyone equally; NEVER had my family or I gave a different attitude toward family of different gender. Well I know we are a fighter and we never give up no matter what the situation is, and I look at what everyone in my family has done and use it in my life. For example, if I am poor I will not give up and work harder to better my family. Most of all that my past family went through in the Holocaust was crazy and I wish I could talk to them, and hear their side of their story.

This is my great great grandparents from my grandpa side

This is my Grandma (Jackie) and my grandpa (Gerald)

This is my great grandma Anna Miranda in 1928 she was 7 years old at her Holy Communion, this is Jackie's Mother.

This is my great great grandparent Eva on her wedding day she was 14 years old, and her husband Henery he was 27 years old. This is Anna Miranda's parents.

This is Henery's parents my great great great grandparents, I could get there names :( but Henery was born in 1894, they were born in the 1800's.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Subsistence and Economy

Part 1:
            Even though the earliest hunter-gatherer was on scavenging, not actual hunting, they mainly ate seafood, nuts, and fruit. By them not actually hunting, the seafood nuts, and fruits kept them healthy, and from dying from starvation. When the Paleolithic period came around 80,000 to 70,000 years ago, some hunters began hunting large animals. Other than hunting, another great benefit was the tools that the hunter-gatherers created, such as: fishing nets, hooks, and also bone harpoons. These weapons catch meat portions. Agriculture was a great benefit to all cultures, because this gave them the opportunity to live in one area, but not only that, but to learn hands on labor with building shelter, and also growing their crops. With all the things they are learning, the great part about all of this is the quality of villager’s there population became great. See with a disadvantages for being a hunter-gatherer is that once they started hunting a lot, either animal species would leave or they would go extinct because they hunt so much. Agriculture would have a disadvantage of having to big of a population because at first the villagers are not sure with when should there be enough people because what if they aren’t able to get enough food. Big pray could also have a problem, what if, staying in one area could trigger larger pray toward the people. At first the hunter-gatherer had a healthy diet until they started hunting, and this was actually hunting because they are always on the move, so I would have to say, they wouldn’t have time to grew crops, just hunt meat, and its not always good for you to eat meat. Agriculture would have to be the one with the healthiest diet because these cultures are in one area to grow vegetables, and able to hunt for meat, there diet is more stable. It was about 10,000 years ago, when human stated using agriculture, because life became easier for them, with being able to grow crops, grew there population, this just became better and once one culture did it more started living the Agriculture lifestyle.

Part 2:
              The relationship between them is that surplus and trade are something you need both of them to make each of the country or state happy. To get good surplus is if you are receiving more exports, because if your getting for exports this make good business, but if you are getting more imports business isn’t selling, as good as they wish it would. Trade plays an important roll just as much as surplus, even though trade isn’t always good. Not all trading goes as planed. This is way surplus is the positive part and the trade is the negative part. Two good social benefits are, economic and culture. Well culture is a good one because say for example, the U.S. getting a lot of their products from China, and to some people China is a different culture, so trading has to do with culture. Economic trading is very important in the trading business, because for example: Money, is a number if you are trading every company wants to know where, when, and who there money is going at all times, this trading is a big money business. Negative social benefit, would be if there was no communication only because that’s how people make there trading, imagine if there was no communication, the products that would get messed up by either amounts not enough if the trade went successfully, if this happened you wouldn’t find anything out in time to fix it. Another one would be if technology had a corruption, because knows and these days 90% of people rely on technology and a lot of people not only finalize selling and what not but also communicates through technology, see there is communication again.  Agriculture developed though time but by being in one area slowly other humans starting to do it, so by making that step agriculture developed quick through other cultures. Development of trade a long time ago had to do with people going back and forth, and on written paper.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Different Languages

Part 1:
       This was difficult for many reasons and that because when I was having a conversation, my conversation partner was looking at me with this weird and awkward look, and even asked me, "What was wrong?" I just shook my head, no. I am so used to responding with a voice. I feel a vibe from my conversation partner that I am not pay attention it felt awkward. The partner in the conversation kept looking at me constantly with these weird looks. It got to a part where she said something, of the way I was acting by me having no voice, and what made this so cool, was she is someone I talk to everyday. So when she asked me, I just looked at her and lifted my eyebrows, with a smile and shook my head. After all that she shrug her shoulders and kept talking, so it had an affect but not as much. My partner would have the most advantage than me because she could talk and do symbolic language, so I knew what she was talking about and her emotions. Well there was a feeling I got from she like awkward and weird at the same time, even though that was going on she kept talking. There was someone I knew in school, and could hear but couldn't speck. When people would talk to him and realize that he couldn't talk, people would either walk away, or ignore him, or they would laugh with uncomfortable looks. This would frustrate him and also upset him. There are people like me though and made communication by either sign language, or writing it down, and this made him happy just knowing that no matter what we put effort in communicating with someone.

Part 2:
      Well I wasn't able the full 15 minutes with someone, so to keep thing interesting I split it up 5 minutes with three different people. No one would go the full 15 minutes. This was difficult for me because, not one person would finish the full 15 minutes. By just speaking in a modern tone voice, with no movement, the conversation partners would literally stop talking to me, and would say, " if your going to sound like that, I’m not going to continuing talking to you." Can you say rude that’s what I was thinking in my mind? When they would start walking away, I would tell them about my assignment and then they would start laughing and want to continue and I would because I wanted to do it with someone who doesn't know, that way I know there not pretending with their reactions. Using signs and even tones in your voice say a lot, a whole lot more than people think. When we get angry our voice gets rough, when we get sad our voice gets a muffle sound in it when we talk and crying tears come out of our eyes, or when we are happy a huge smile comes upon our face. If we didn't have these movements and if tones in our voice, just image what people would think, or how many would misunderstand what we are trying to say. Yes, for example my boyfriend taking everything the wrong way, probably because of the way my tone is or my movement. There could be goo and bad to reading body language. Body Language can tell a lot about a person, and if you didn't want it to show toward a certain someone, for example: if someone asks, "will you marry me?" and you say, "yes," with no smile, no enjoyment that’s showing, its not good, your not happy, this leaves with bad body language. If you say, "yes," with a smile, tears, and a huge smile, things are turn out to be good body language.

Part 3:
      Yes, by far it would be too easy, because the point of the whole assignment would be as much fun as it was, we would be able to know how everyone felt. We needed to see how important tones and symbolic language is. By having NO WORDS, people thought extremely different of me and I could tell just by their facial expressions. There has been great advantage using written language, I mean what about letter from many years ago that are important today, or even just today, I use letters to write my family that are far away. The written language has been amazing all around the world, from cities to cities, from states to states, and even countries to countries. The written languages has told and showed the amazing cultures, from the past ancient times all the way till know. We have learned so much from the Egyptians to Aztecs, from Cavemen. Written language has had a great impact on life for many years and many more to come.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Two Different Tribes

The Andean Indian tribe, lived in Central America in dense forest, but in some areas there are dramatic climate change for example: it could be really hot in some a low part on the forest and up more on the mountain part has heavily rain falls. They are positive and negative to both, but those are basically the weather for the mountains, for the whole year, unless the tribe is really high in the mountains, there could be some snow.
The Zulu tribe had multiple places they lived at. One, in which is the most that the Zulu tribes would be at likely, is the western way. In a desert in the middle of nowhere, this area would be really hot. And the clothes they wear could really wear them down, with all the heat, or even cause heat strokes; this issue could cause an effect in their way of life. The winters would be more wind and just a little rain, probably not enough rain. This could also take affect them growing the crops.

The Andean Indian tribe, had to keep there crops going, and some crops had to be grown in different areas, which did make thing more difficult, but the tribe knew there was no choice. If they didn’t do this no crops would grow, and that would leave a result in starvation. Something that they did use was a, “slash and burn.” By wind using and doing what they did kept their tribe going.
The Zulu tribes weather would be a big environment stress. The weather is a big part in everything, like the crops, and the villager’s health. So the Zulu tribes that live the western way, in the desert, where the heat is beating bad, and the winters can get more windy tan rainy, and this can result in crops dying. The heat could also kill the villagers or injure them. I am pretty sure they live by water, which does help. A great physical adaption to help to situation would be building there houses for shade and also building something to help there crops, don’t forget shelter for the animals that they have to raise so they have meat.

The Andean Indian had economic activities for the people, these had to do with fishing and gathering, also building shelter, If they didn’t have these activities, the tribe would most likely not survive, because of illness or starvation. The one with the most food, they were shown as the one person the villagers looked but to. The one hunter with the most shared with there people. “They are hunters, they are a team tribe.”
The Zulu tribe, had a holiday tradition every year, it was, “ Shaka’s Day.” This was an important day for the Zulu tribes because; Shaka was the one who made the Zulu tribes a big and beautiful kingdom, which everyone enjoyed, before sadly, his own brothers assassinated him. This cultural adaption was indeed a non-stressful environment. When Shaka died, things did get more stress environment for the Zulu tribe, because a lot of the villagers left to go somewhere else, a better kingdom. Some people became poor, and away from families. So, now not to make thing so stressful, and give a great memory of Shaka, they do Shaka Day once a year, just showing what a great king he was.

The Andean Indians, I would refer them as Latin Americans, because they are in between South America and Guatemala. When I say, “Latin American,” I think hardworking, hunters, teamwork, and to be honest the forest. After reading about them, they but an imagine of a lot of qualities.
The Zulu tribes are Africans, and the reason for this would be because it explains a lot to me. Some in which would be where they live, there religion and holidays, the hard working people to grow crops and taking care of there animal well so they have good food, and how there housing are, and most of all what they have to do to survive on a daily basis.

The Zulu tribe building skills, and that they celebrate every year, “Shaka Day,” for the king that made the great kingdom, shows how well the Africans are toward their people. When we say Africans just think how great of a tribe they are, the people they look up to, and still keep them remembered.
The Andean Indians how hardworking, and that they will find any method to keep surviving. Even the one who is the strongest in the tribe still helps his people, even the weak; this is why they are a team. When I say, “Latin Americans,” a strong tribe that works together even if they have to go a distance, to grow there crops.
When it comes to the Andean Indians would have more power when it came to hunting, because the Zulu tribe raises their animals (food). Other than that Zulu would be the one for anthropologists, because they have more and interesting things to discover and learn about, but both are really good tribes.

The Andean Tribe crops

The Andean Indian hunters

The Zulu in the dessert carrying water